PooLum Jong, M.A.

Research Areas

  • Immigrants
  • Intercultural social work practice
  • Transnationalism
  • Senior citizen care
  • Hospice care

Curriculum Vitae

2010-2014Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin.
2009-2014Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft, Ph.D. Candidate
2007-2010 MSW (Master level of Social Worker) in Adult Day Health Care Center in California and Hospice Care Team in Georgia, USA
2007University of South Carolina Columbia, SC Master of Social Work
2004Kang-nam University, Korea Master of Social Work. Thesis: ”A Study on Social Workers' Roles in a Hospice Care Team"
2002Kang-nam University, Korea Bachelor of Social Work

Current Working Paper

  • Biographical reconstruction method as a social work assessment tool in helping with Korean immigrant elderly
    Hyo-Sun Lee and Poo Lum Jong
  • Biographical research on Korean-American with multiple-abroad emigrational experiences


  • 02/2004 A role of a social work professional in hospice care team Master Theses, Kang-nam University, Korea
  • 2005 A study on a role of medical social worker in Korea Hyo Seon Lee & Poo Lum Jong In Qualitative Research: Interpretation and understanding, edited by Hyo-Seon Lee, Hack-Hyun-Sa, Pa-Ju-Si, Korea.
  • 2012 Social Work Practice Hyo Seon Lee & Poo Lum Jong Jung-Min-Sa


  • Socialization and Migration, Actual Debate in Education, Intercultural Pedagogy